Jerguson Boiler Water Gages and Valves are rugged, high-quality products constructed of the finest materials. They meet A.B.S. and U.S.C.G. regulations and ASM Section I, code requirements for use on fired pressure vessels. Boiler Water Gage and Valve Assemblies are designed and built for years of dependable operation.
Take a close look at the rugged direct reading gages. Compare their exclusive combination of design and construction features: tempered glass, high quality mica shields, Grafoil® gaskets, spring washers, 360 degree rotatable flanges, continuous visibility, valves with outside stem & yoke, and replaceable seats & backseating stems.
And, each assembly is complete with necessary expansion loops lever or chain wheel valve operators. All Jerguson boiler water level gage assemblies meet the requirements ofthe U.S. Coast Guard, ASME Code and A.B.S. Regulations… have proven their dependability throughout the industry.
Gauges used for heat exchangers, steam traps, condensers and similar pressure vessel applications
Steam and water level interface with 180° view
Transparent gauges with flat glasses used for up to 50 bar level or interface service
Level gauges with reflex glass used for clean liquid service up to 50 bar